
Your generosity today brings joy and happiness to countless pets and pet families in our community. Thank you!

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Support AWS this holiday season.
Get a tribute bow on the AWS fur tree.

Ways to Give

Our dedicated and generous supporters help more than 10,000 pets – and the people who love them – each year. In addition to caring for companion animals in our Adoption Center, our work extends to our community of pet lovers locally and statewide.

Together, we create new families through adoption and also keep pet families thriving with the resources our programs and services provide to our community.

Thank you!

Our mission

Animal Welfare Society exists to serve as the safety net for lost and homeless pets and to provide access to affordable services and resources necessary for long term well-being, so pets and their families stay together and thrive.

Questions about how to donate to AWS?

For more information on how to make a gift, please contact our Development Office via email or telephone at (207) 985-3244 ext. 200.

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Have you ever wanted to volunteer with animals? If so, you've come to the right place! The staff and pets at Animal Welfare Society would love your daily help cleaning and sanitizing our animal spaces. Please take a look online under Volunteer Opportunities to see our current needs and if there is a day and time that works with your schedule. We'd love to have you on board, and so would our pets! ❤️